Running the Program

The address program is executed simply by typing tex address or latex address. This action produces the following set of requests:

Enter the filename of the preamble
Enter filename of recipients' addresses
Enter the filename of the letter
   template [letter.tex]:

The filenames in square brackets ([ ]) are default values and are accepted by pressing a \fbox{RETURN} . (The default names for the second and third files can be changed by redefining the macros \DEFAULTtolist and \DEFAULTletter in the preamble.) Of course, the various files should contain commands appropriate to the package actually being used.

address is designed to be reasonably robust. This and TEX's rules for reading input allows some sloppiness in setting up the address list. For example, leading and trailing white space and extra blank lines are all ignored. Also, a % can be used to comment-out text. This last item implies that any line with a % as its first nonblank character will be treated as a blank line.